Sunday, April 15, 2018

Classroom Strategies

It's hard to beleive how much we have covered in this course in such a short amount of time. Over the course of the last two weeks, there has been a lot of different strategies presented in an aray of different formats on various topics. It's fun to see how one strategy works in was class can look completley different in another classs covering a different topic.

Looking at all the different startegies, I am not sure which one I would incorporate, because they all look like I can apply them at various times. However, there is one that I seem to be leaning more towards, and that's the quick write. Quick writes seems like a simple way in which I can gain an understanding of how well the students have begun to master the concepts being taught in class. I love to use Padlet for my quick writes. It allows the students to see what other students have written about and interact with them while giving me a quick climpst as to what what they are understainding.